Learn English – A word for a collection of unorganized and unrelated little things


I am looking for a word that describes a collection of unorganized or somewhat organized and unrelated little things. The word is similar to "toolbox", which can describe a collection of unrelated tools.

I know the following sentences are awkward, I'll try my best to explain. Little things refer to an object (not neccessarily physical, could be something like computer programs or paragraphs) that is too small/little/insignificant to occupy a place on its own.

For example, I write a software that calculates the sum of two numbers. It is not significant enough for me to have a webpage for it, however, I could put it on a page for a collection of such little programs along with a software that outputs "hello, world". The title of this page would be "My _____ of programs".

Thank you.

Best Answer

Miscellany seems the obvious choice.

Melange, medley and hodgepodge could all have a place.