Learn English – a word for “detaining without trial”


I read this in a news about the passing away of a prominent political figure. One of the critics mentioned that during the time when he was in power he used to "detain without trial" his political oppositions to silence them.

In the news they used a single word for that phrase, but I can't remember it.

What is a word for "detaining without trial"?

I've tried to search for "detain without trial", "imprisonment without proper trial", "detaining without hearing", etc (without the quotes), but all I could find were internment, which is more about concentration camp, or remand, which is about the pre-trial detention. (I hope by putting what I searched for, future people who search for the same thing will find this page with the answer!)

The word I'm looking for seems to mean that the people never went through any trial at all, and so the prominent political figure _____ the political oppositions.

Best Answer

The word I would use is internment (as identified in the question), which Wikipedia describes as

the imprisonment or confinement of people, commonly in large groups, without trial

though I would not see it as necessarily going as far as the extremely negative associations of concentration camps from World War II.

For individuals rather than groups, I might use detention, which I would almost never use for being held before a trial (instead using remand) or after a trial (instead using prison).