Learn English – a word for someone who is speaking in a way to gain sympathy from you


If someone was trying to persuade you to do something, you might say "he spoke convincingly."

What is a similar word for someone who is speaking in a way to gain sympathy from you?

Hope this makes sense.

Best Answer

They are speaking supplicatingly

= Beseechingly, imploringly; in supplication

Oxford Lexico

From which, also consider:

Beseechingly, from beseeching : expressing or marked by earnest pleading or entreaty

“The wretched young man arose, and with a last beseeching glance at us walked from the room.”

Merriam Webster

And imploringly

in a way that expresses urgent or piteous pleading, as for aid or mercy; beseechingly:

"No! Don't kill the spider!" gasped my daughter, looking imploringly into my eyes.
