Learn English – a word or expression to describe a person as entertainment to pass the time


If someone is being used or employed as entertainment to help someone else pass their time at work, but only in this capacity, what word or expression can be used to describe this?

This other (working) person does not want to see or talk to the entertainer person outside of work.

I have heard "muse" but I don't think that is the right definition when I looked it up.

Best Answer

I believe you have the answer right there in your question.

You're being employed as a distraction.

EDIT: I am aware that distraction tends to have negative connotations. That said, given that this person appears to only want you to be around at work to help him pass the time faster at work, and not in his social life, the entire situation appears negative (for you at least), and so it might be fitting, although Kris' answer "an amusement" is more negative towards you, whereas "distraction" might imply it is negative to this other guy.