Learn English – a word or phrase that means “cut off from the outdoors”


I'm looking for a word or phrase to describe a place that is cut off from the outdoors.

This is the situation: my desk at work is not near any windows, so I can't tell if it's sunny, raining, light or dark outside. Sometimes I like this state of affairs (such as when it is pouring outside), and sometimes it would be nice to feel more connected to the outdoors (such as when it is gorgeous outside).

What is a word or phrase that describes a location like this?

Best Answer

In addition to "sheltered", the word cloistered describes the condition of being cut off from the outside world.

cloistered adjective 1. secluded from the world; sheltered: "a cloistered life."

(from http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/cloistered)

In addition to separation from outside, natural elements (weather, landscapes, etc.), it can also describe separation from outside events (news, pop culture, human contact).