Learn English – A word/phrase for “being extremely happy and jumping gladly”


Suppose if someone is extremely happy like a child and starts jumping gladly, what words/phrase best describe this situation, such that the following sentence can be completed.

He/she was ________.

There are a few words like, "euphoric", "deliriously happy", but I am not quite sure if these words also include the "jumping gladly" part of my question.

Is there a better word or using "jumping gladly" is just fine.

Best Answer

I think you are looking for :

Jump for joy:

  • to be extremely happy:

    • Tina jumped for joy when she found out she'd be in the team.

    • "So how did Robert take the news?" "He didn't exactly jump for joy." (Cambridge Dict.)

The expression can refer both to physical and metaphorical Joyful jumps.

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