Learn English – A word/phrase for “ not wanting to draw attention”


For example someone is looking to circumvent contacting the local club board by going to the head office to remove club membership as to not draw attention, in other words just getting it removed to not be hassled by the local club members for example or reduce the possibility for peace’s sake.

“not wanting to draw attention” was what I was thinking but I think there’s something more eloquent/smarter sounding.

Best Answer

[Wanting] to keep a low profile is a common expression for this.

keep a low profile

  • to avoid attracting attention to yourself:

He's been in a little trouble recently so he's trying to keep a low profile.

[Cambridge Dictionary]

There is also to keep your head down, which carries the sense of avoiding (a real threat of) trouble:

keep your head down

  • to try to avoid trouble or involvement in a difficult or dangerous situation by behaving in a quiet way, so that people will not notice you

After unity, he had little time for Christian Democrats who had kept their heads down under the old regime.

[Collins CoBuild Dictionary]

Any clandestine approach to an operation could be said to be

backstairs ('backdoor' usually implies dodginess)

backstairs [adjective]

  • involving intrigue or scandal; secret


or a sub-rosa activity

sub-rosa [adjective]

  • secretive, private

sub rosa [adverb]

  • in confidence: secretly


And there is always the very safe option low-key:

low-key [adjective]

  • not elaborate, showy, or intensive; modest or restrained. [discreet]

their wedding was a very quiet, low-key affair
