Learn English – A word that comes close to “something that needs to improve/would benefit the end result if you’d do it differently/more efficiently”


Is there a better word to describe what the supervisor says in this examle?

Someone has just finished a, by materials built, project and is presenting it to his supervisor. This person is very proud of his end result which he believes to be faultless and can't wait for the supervisor to give him the highest grade for it (however, his project is actually not so great.)

The guy who has built the project goes: "Here it is, this is the "name of project"." The supervisor goes: "I can see that (as in "yeah…but it's not as great as you try to present it"), but still, it needs to improve/would benefit the end result if you'd do it differently/more efficiently." (I.e. there is something about this project which wasn't done cleverly, hence it would have been better if a different/more efficient approach was used in building it.)

Is there a word that comes close to or describes what the supervisor has said, something which "needs to improve/would benefit the end result if you'd do it differently/more efficiently"?

Best Answer

The term subpar means

not up to standard; below par [Collins English Dictionary]

This term would indicate that the project was unacceptable, that a better effort was essential. While it does not mandate a redo, that is often implied.

If you wanted to give some support to the effort, but indicate more work was needed, you could use the phrase first draft as illustrated on wordnik.com

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