Learn English – A word that describes giving its name to something else: iron is … for ferromagnetism


I am writing about unusual ferromagnetic materials. For the introduction I want to use the "namegiver" for ferromagnetism, iron, as an example but I am stuck finding the right word or expression.

  • In iron the namegiving element for ferromagnetism the Curie temperature…
  • In iron, which coined the term ferromagnetism the Curie temperature …
  • In iron, from which the term ferromagnetism is derived, the Curie temperature …

Is there an English word that expresses that iron, or to be more precise, its Latin counterpart "ferrum", gave its name to the phenomenon ferromagnetism?

Best Answer

Iron (ferrum) is the eponym¹ of ferromagnetism.

Many people would also say that ferrum and ferromagnetism are namesakes.² It might be insisted by some pedants that ferromagnetism is the namesake of ferrum, not the other way around, though the word’s etymology does not bear this up.

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