Learn English – a word that means both irony and karma


What would be a word that suggests that a situation is ironic but also strongly implies that karma was at work?

The specific context is as follows:
An individual makes an unethical choice and follows through with the action of the choice in such a way that would normally benefit the individual. An unexpected result of the same choice causes the same individual to experience the same negative side effects as others would experience except "in spades" implying that "Karma was at work." At any rate they would have experienced the fruit of their actions.

I have looked over various synonyms of irony and karma. "Wages," "fruit," "deserts," and suggested by Adrian Larson in the comments, "comeuppance," work well to imply the karma aspect; however, I have trouble finding a word that also seems to have a strong sense of irony to it.

Best Answer

I think you're looking for poetic justice. Wikipedia does a good job of describing it:

Poetic justice is a literary device in which ultimately virtue is rewarded and vice punished. In modern literature it is often accompanied by an ironic twist of fate related to the character's own action.

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