Learn English – a word that means “the outcome resulting from a lack of action”


I need a word to use in describing the following abstract case:

There is a situation. A person could take action to react to the situation, and then there would be an effect of that action. But the person could also ignore the situation, and there would be a different consequential outcome resulting from inaction.

I'm looking for a concise (and preferably short) word for "consequential outcome resulting from inaction".

Best Answer

Default Option

The default option is what the system -- or life -- does to you, or for you, when you choose not to take an action.

Wikipedia, the Default Effect (Psychology) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Default_effect_(psychology)

Amongst the set of options that agents choose from, the default option is the option the chooser will obtain if she does nothing.

For example, if you have to check a box on a form for your employer to withhold money for an IRA, and you don't check the box, the default option goes into effect, and you don't have a deferred tax savings plan.

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