Learn English – A word that refers to saying something in an attempt to anger or embarrass someone into doing something that they don’t want to do


I’m looking for a word to refer to the act of trying to embarrass someone to the point that they do something they don’t want to do.

Example: Let’s say all of your friends are jumping off of a cliff into a lake, but you don’t want to, for whatever reason. One friend remains at the top with you, trying to convince you to jump. One tactic they use is to try and embarrass you enough or anger you into doing it by saying something along the lines of – “So, basically, you’re too chicken to jump, right?”

I believe I could use the phrase ‘egg on’ for this, but would rather have a singular, more specific word for it. I’m pretty sure there is one, but I just can’t bring it to mind. I’ve considered ‘reverse psychology’, too, but it just doesn’t fit what I’m trying to say.

Best Answer

In addition to Marcellothearcane's excellent answer I suggest goad.

From Lexico:


  1. Provoke or annoy (someone) so as to stimulate some action or reaction.
    ‘He was trying to goad her into a fight.’

The word derives from a spiked stick used to push cattle along. This definitely provides that same subtext that you're seeking to add.

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