Single-Word Requests – Word for People Working Toward a Common Goal


I am working on a project that involves bringing people together who share common goals or dreams. Is there a word or phrase to describe groups of people who are working together to accomplish these common aspirations? People have suggested terms like "Dreamers", or "Goal-setters", but I am preferably looking for something a little more catchy.

Or are there any words/phrases that describe a person who accomplishes their goals. Perhaps then, I can then just pluralize that term.

Best Answer

There are several words that means a group of people with a common interest/purpose/goal/aim etc. These words might depend on the context as well:

union: a number of persons, states, etc., joined or associated together for some common purpose: student union; credit union.

coalition: an alliance or union between groups, factions, or parties, esp for some temporary and specific reason

league: An association of states, organizations, or individuals for common action; an alliance.

coterie: a small exclusive group of friends or people with common interests; clique

association: a group of people who have joined together because they have similar interests or aims

club: an organization for people who have a common interest in a particular activity or subject

For the second question:

effector - one who brings about a result or event; one who accomplishes a purpose

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