Single-Word Requests – Word for Someone Oblivious in Group Conversations


There is a Japanese phrase "Kuuki yomenai", which literally translates to "Can't read the air", and can be used to describe someone who doesn't get social cues or is unaware of other people's moods & intentions.
(There is an equivalent in Korean as well: "Noon-chi up-da")

It's like a combination of oblivious, awkward, and self-centered. I want to use it to describe someone who would keep talking about themselves, dominate a group conversation, and not realise that the others are tired of it.

Would you describe them as "socially inept"? Or does that come with too many mental-illness connotations?



(Socially) Tone deaf!

And thanks to everyone who contributed 🙂

Best Answer

I would use not tactful for such a person as tactful means:

careful not to offend or upset other people: having or showing tact (a keen sense of what to do or say in order to maintain good relations with others or avoid offense)

"(S)he behaves tactlessly." could also work. Tactless is usually used attributively modifying a noun:

tending to offend or upset people: not showing or having tact: 'tactless comments'
