Learn English – Adjectival form of “consult”, “consultation” – Translation for the German word “konsiliarisch”


The word konsiliarisch is used, for instance, in hospitals when a doctor sends his patient to another branch or medical specialty for some specific examination. You will later return to your actual doctor for further examinations or a discussion about the findings.

That means, your doctor consults another doctor. My question is now what is it called when you go to that other doctor.

I guess I'm looking for an adjectival form for consultation or to consult, which I think is neither consulting nor consulted in that context.

Bilingual dictionaries suggest consiliary. But I don't find it in any monolingual dictionaries to prove that (I checked Merriam-Webster's and Oxford's Online dictionaries).

The adjective should for example fit in the following sentences:

I am having a __ examination.
My appointment is on a __ basis.


I think it's necessary to elaborate a bit more on this.
In Germany when you visit the general practitioner, you may be referred to a specialist. In that case, you receive a latter of referral.
This, however, is not what I'm asking about.

The situation is that you already have been referred to a specialist, and this specialist is working in either a common/shared doctor's office/surgery, or in a hospital or another kind of association (not sure if association is a good word in this context, but I'll stay with this), he may consult another doctor of the same office or association.
Each of the doctor's have there own patient files for sure (in case of a hospital they usually can access those files from the other specialists though), but they don't need a separate letter of referral if you're already seeing another doctor of the same association.

An example:
You visit a dermatologist and he needs some examination which is done by an internist. Thus he'll sends you to the internist. The internist will do the examination and send the findings back to the dermatologist. You will then visit the dermatologist again, and he will tell you the findings and/or do some further examinations.

All what happens is that you go once (or if necessary twice) to another doctor at the same premises, who has a different specialty, and later you go back to the first doctor.

In German there are different terms for both kinds of referral/consultation.

a) Überweisung -> "Haben sie einen Überweisungsschein?" (Do you have a letter of referral?)
b) Konsil -> "Diese Untersuchung wird konsiliarisch durchgeführt." (This examination will be conducted [word in question].)

If this concept doesn't exist in any English speaking country (and hence, there's no word for it), I think I'm looking for a good term that wouldn't be confused with a regular referral.

Best Answer

Consultatory exists, but I'd probably go for consultative. From the Oxford English Dictionary:

Consultatory: pertaining to or serving for consultation (e.g. of an oracle, etc.); having the character of consultation or deliberation, consultative.

1600 Abp. Abbot Exp. Jonah 80 Here the lot is consultatorie+because they could not tell who it was that had done the deede, they will put it to their Gods. 1664 Evelyn Sylva (1776) 168 Formerly they made consultatory staves of this tree. 1876 Bancroft Hist. U.S. III. viii. 395 Their decision would be only consultatory, and have no more weight than royal instructions.

Consultative: of or pertaining to consultation; having the right or power to advise or join in consultation; deliberative, advisory: said chiefly of a body whose function is to take part in a consultation, but not to vote upon the decision.

1583 Stubbes Anat. Abus. ii. 107 To have a consultatiue, exhortatiue, or consentatiue voice onely. 1846 Grote Greece i. xx. II. 91 The Council is a purely consultative body assembled+solely for his information and guidance. 1878 Gladstone Prim. Homer 117 In this consultative and executive body, discussion is quite free.