Learn English – Adjective for “doesn’t need to be explained/justified”


I am looking for an adjective that means "doesn't need to be justified" as in:

His actions, which don't need to be justified.

His ??? actions.

The person who makes the actions will never be held accountable for them, no matter how good or bad. The majority of the actions by all people will be acceptable but no consequences will happen to an individual who makes harmful actions. Imagine if everyone could literally get away with murder. Perhaps most people would never murder anyone, but a few people would. The families of the victims would be upset, but the rest of society wouldn't care because the system works most of the time, i.e. people can be trusted not to murder.

Perhaps another way of describing it is an abuse of privileges, or actions which are free to be abused, because you don't believe that anyone will.

I've looked in my thesaurus (full Macquarie) but the closest I've come up with is unjustifiable (can't be justified) or carte blanche (very close, but a noun).

I'm aware that nouns can be used as adjectives, so perhaps His carte blanche actions, but I would prefer a straight adjective, if one exists.

Best Answer


not required to explain actions or decisions - M-W

This takes into consideration your note about the person taking the action not being held accountable while others suffer negative consequences.