Learn English – Adjective of “ignore”


The primary meaning of ignore is to disregard somebody. Ignorant is synonymous with unlearned and uninformed. Ignorable assigns somebody or something a low priority.
I'm looking for an adjective that describes an action towards the object, such that I can rephrase the following sentence:

He ignores me.


He is [adjective] towards me.

Possible candidates: inattentive, indifferent, unresponsive, invisible and finally uncaring.

Best Answer

The meaning of ignore as verb is

  • refuse to take notice of or acknowledge; disregard intentionally.
    • to fail to consider (something significant)
    • to reject an indictment as groundless

The adjective that is derived from ignore is ignorable.

If you are looking for an adjective to use, you can use indifferent, uninterested, or uncaring.

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