Single Word Requests – Adjective for Something That Is Not Rushed


I was having trouble thinking of the right word to use to describe a process that is not rushed.

I suppose I could say not rushed, but I think there should be a single word for it. Also I prefer not to use the negative for my particular use case.

Example: When saying a prayer, one would not be like "ok, lets just get this over with" and proceed to pray really fast. Thus prayer is said to be _________.

I was thinking sacred might be suitable here, but, at best, sacred would merely imply it's not rushed due to its significance. Also, there are other non-sacred examples too. I will need something more general.

Best Answer

The word 'measured' would be appropriate, and particularly appropriate for the chosen example sentence.

b. Of aspects of language: carefully weighed or calculated; regulated, moderated, restrained. Of a person: using language in a careful, restrained way.


We should be measuring our words carefully because we will have to give an account for them someday.

Bible Verses About The Power of Words

'Measured' implies thoughtful preparation and also implies care about content as stated in Ecclesiastes :

Be not rash with thy mouth, and let not thine heart be hasty to utter any thing before God: for God is in heaven, and thou upon earth: therefore let thy words be few.

Ecclesiastes 5:2 :

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