Learn English – Adjectives used as adverbs/ verbs used as adjectives/ verbs used as adverbs


First question: I have been reading English: An Essential Grammar by Gerald Nelson and it gives an example of the words 'hard' and 'fast' being used as both adjectives and adverbs:


John works hard.

Peter drives fast.


John is used to hard work.

Peter drives a fast car.

I was wondering, can all adjectives be used as adverbs in this manner?



Small girl.

Are these adverbs???

She is small.

She was small.

She looked small.

Second question: Can present participle verbs be considered as adjectives?

E.g. Are these adjectives or are they still considered as verbs?

The singing lady.

The growing crowd.

The advancing army.

Third question: Can all past participle verbs be considered adjectives?


The written book.

The cooked fish.

The bitten apple.

And lastly: Can all past participle verbs be considered as adverbs?


The book was written in black ink.

The fish seemed to be cooked.

Best Answer

  • Not all adjectives have a natural adverbial use. I'd think you'd be hard pressed to use beautiful where beautifully is called for.
  • In "She is small," small is an adjective serving as a nominative complement. It's not an adverb.
  • It might be best to consider participles as verb forms that have uses as modifiers. When they modify nouns, that's an adjectival use, but it really doesn't make them adjectives. An adjective (say, red) may be compared (to get redder). That won't work for cooked. You'll have to say "more cooked."
  • I don't have time to search for a past participle that can't have an adjectival use. Most can.
  • In "the book was written", written is part of the past passive; it's not a modifier. You can tell because you can sensibly append a prepositional phrase with by to give who wrote the book. Similarly, "to be cooked" might be passive infinitive if you're concerned about who did the cooking. Same test. If you're concerned with the internal temperature, then it would be a participial modifier.
  • Past participles have adverbial (or at least semi-adverbial) uses: "He lived cursed by fate." The participle would say (at least in part) how he lived.