Learn English – Administer the patient the drug? Administer the patient with the drug


Does the verb “administer”, as in to give a drug, work like the verb “give” or like the verb “provide”?

Which of the following is better: 1 or 2?

  1. Patients are administered the drug.

Like “Patients are given the drug”

  1. Patients are administered with the drug.

Like “Hotel guests are provided with extra pillows.”

“patients are administered”
300,000 Google hits

"patients are administered with"
157,000 Google hits

Best Answer

Searching for usage using Google is problematic because Google doesn't index text the way you want it to. However, they do have a tool which does: ngrams.

This ngram shows no usage at all in published books for the phrase "patients are administered with", which is a fairly strong indication that nobody uses it at all.

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