Learn English – Alternate word/phrase for “everything is up for debate”


Is there a synonym to the phrase (if 'synonym phrases' are a thing) "everything will be up for debate" ?

That phrase is commonly used in a collaborative sense, for example – maybe a business owner is creating a new building for his/her company and the design and layout is all open for feedback to the company's existing staff that will soon be moving in. So this owner/boss might say "everything is up for debate" as a way to indicate that everyone can be involved in the design/layout of the new building.

I'm wondering specifically if there isn't a less aggressive; more creative word or phrasing; I feel like 'debate' implies politics but for a creative project like a design or artwork it might be better to say something that gives a 'free and open collaboration' type feeling.

Best Answer

Everything is on the table

Merriam Websters gives this definition under 6.:

— on the table : up for consideration or negotiation

the subject is not on the table


Nothing is off-limits

Collins dictionary has this to say about off limits.

If an area or a place is off limits, you are not allowed to go there.
A one-mile area around the wreck is still off limits.
These establishments are off limits to ordinary citizens.

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