Learn English – Alternate wording for ‘verification and validation’


In technical contexts the idea of 'verification and validation' is often used. However novices to the terminology (or so I claim) on more occasions display a hard time grabbing and remembering which concept is which, or even what are they.

An example expression of this confusion can be seen in
Difference between "validation" and "verification"

It would be unfortunate if people talking about the things meant by either verification or validation would have unclear ideas of what they are talking about. This is a field where communication should be clear. Eg. you don't want to lose time verifying your communication about verification…

I think the problem with the two term may include that they both start with v, end with ion, are generally somehow unfamiliar in precise meaning, denote somehow abstract things, not to speak of the fact that they can include or apply to each other (eg. 'verification is validation by empirical means'). So all in all, introducing them together is risky and inherently prone to errors.

I'm looking for alternate wording for either or both of these words, assuming they each have a single intended meaning. If suitable terms could be found that better express their difference, the learning curve to their usage hopefully could be shortened.

Best Answer

Validation will always come prior to Verification like they do alphabetically.

You can use the following in case you still want to switch :

Validation : sanctioning Verification : Corroboration, confirmation

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