Learn English – An alternative to quotation marks

punctuationquotation marks

Let's say that I want to communicate that a particular website is the first result when googling cool ringtones. Normally I would say it like this:

This website is the first Google result for "cool ringtones".

But Google understands quotation marks and "cool ringtones" is not the same as cool ringtones. People might not be sure which one I meant in the above quote. Normally I would use italics like I'm doing here, but I can't do text formatting. What are my options?

Best Answer

It's a common problem in programming. One technique is to use single and double quotes. For instance the search for the two words you could write as

This website is the first Google result for "cool ringtones".

Whereas the search for the phrase could be written

This website is the first Google result for ' "cool ringtones" '.

NB whitespace added for visual clarity.
Or you could just say

This website is the first Google result for the words "cool" and "ringtones".
This website is the first Google result for the phrase "cool ringtones".

I think which I picked would depend on my audience.

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