Learn English – An appropriate question tag for “He’s too weak to walk.”


A couple of days ago, I sat for an English exam. There was a question there that asked for the appropriate question tag for the sentence "He's too weak to walk." I answered "isn't he?" but my teacher claimed that the correct answer should be "is he?" since the sentence expresses a negative meaning. Frankly his explanation made no sense to me.

Is he right? Am I missing something? What should be the appropriate question tag for the sentence He's too weak to walk.?

When we're asked to add question tags in tests, we are expected to add tags that agree with the assertion, for example, It's a great day, isn't it? Question tags that genuinely express doubt whether the sentence is true or not aren't expected.

Best Answer

"He's too weak to walk"

Is he ? suggests that the person asking is doubting, or at least needing confirmation of the assertion.

Isn't he? suggests the person agrees with the assertion.

The point is, they have different meanings and should be used depending entirely upon whether or not the person asking agrees or not with the assertion.