Learn English – Antonym for “prestigious”


I am looking for a way to describe a business that has sacrificed traditional prestige for effectivity. I understand the most direct antonym is unprestigious, but I'm not sure this word conveys what I'm trying to express.

I have considered the words “humble” and “modest” too, though in a business sense these words have different connotations attached to them, e.g., small-scale, unassuming, unambitious, etc.

Best Answer

I think you've mistranslated the Swedish word prestigelöst — the word you're looking for is unpretentious not unprestigious.

“Prestigious” refers to fame; it is a positive quality.

“Pretension” refers to the affectation of wealth/fame. It is generally viewed in a negative light, so conversely unpretentious has quite positive connotations.