Learn English – Any better word for “upsell”


My company provides more value to my clients by offering them services that could enhance their business/process. The process involves:

  1. I point a void (improvement scope) to the client.
  2. I look out for personnel in my company, if we could cater it.
  3. I pitch to the client, if we could fill that void.

And we term this whole process as UPSELL.

Note: This personnel would mean more cost to the client. Its not necessarily free.

For reasons, it doesn't sound like adding value. It sounds like benefiting my company alone, not the client.

Is there any better word for the same, which means adding value to the client as well?

Best Answer

I agree with Janus Bahs Jacquet's comment above that upsell (as normally used in the United States, anyway) refers to either (1) adding extra-price items to a preliminary order so as to increase the final price of the transaction, or (2) trying to persuade the customer to upgrade from the product model that he or she originally selected to a more expensive model. Neither effort is motivated by a sincere concern for the best interests of the customer.

If what you do is identify a need that the customer isn't fully (or at all) aware of and then sell a specially formulated service to satisfy that need, you might consider a lengthier term for it, such as "customized service to match the client's needs." In any case, I would stay away from upsell, even if the term were accurate.

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