Learn English – Any idiom/phrase/expression to describe this attitude


There is this person I know who always gets excited at the slightest of the things. They give a person too much credit than they deserve for simplest of the things they do. Not that I think there is anything wrong with it, in fact the receiver would be flattered to hear them and that's all good but it gets annoying after a while. Just imagine someone getting astound at how a cobbler mends a shoe or a vendor making candy-floss in his machine. These are relatively simple jobs i.e. these could be learned in a very short time compared to anything else even if the person has never seen anyone do it before.

  • How do you best describe the attitude of this person? Is
    there any popular idiom/phrase/expressions?
  • Also, how do we ask the person to not get too excited about it while
    still acknowledging their appraisal for the other person in a
    respectable way and not be seen like I am trying to [opposite of pique] their curiosity?

Best Answer

Someone who gives too much credit where little is due, or is too enthusiastic could be described as indiscriminate in the sense of "uncritical", making no serious judgments of quality.

Oxford American Dictionary definition:

"(of a person) not using or exercising discrimination"


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