Learn English – Are these rhetorical questions


According to Google:

A rhetorical question is a question that you ask without expecting an answer. The question might be one that does not have an answer. It might also be one that has an obvious answer but you have asked the question to make a point, to persuade or for literary effect.

There are some questions you already know the answer to, and are asking for effect rather than to receive an answer, but still expect the other person to answer.

Q: Little Suzy, did you take the last piece of cake?

Q: Jim, what was it you said earlier about this lake not having leeches in it? (Jim is currently picking leeches out of his underwear ala Stand By Me)

Are these still rhetorical questions? It is common for people to ask questions, and when someone attempts a reply, to correct the person, saying, "It was a rhetorical question."

Best Answer

Whether or not a question is rethorical depends entirely on context.

To use your examples:

Q: Little Suzy, did you take the last piece of cake?

Did you see her take the last piece of the plate and you just want her to realize that she took it without asking, something you might have discussed earlier as part of her upbringing? Then it is rhetorical. Even though Suzy might answer, being unfamiliar with the concept of rhetorical question, your intention was to cause a realisation, not get a yes/no answer.
Do you enter the kitchen and you see the empty plate, but have no idea who took it, then it's a straight up search for truth.

Q: Jim, what was it you said earlier about this lake not having leeches in it? (Jim is currently picking leeches out of his underwear ala Stand By Me)

This is absolutely a good example of a rhetorical question.

To give an another example, for completeness sake:

Can you repeat that again? -> Do I look like a parrot to you? -> Pleeeeease?

Assuming the person is dressed like a human, the answer 'no' is obvious, the question asker picks up on the actual statement made, and replies accordingly.

This page here does a good job summarizing it:
A rhetorical question is a figure of speech in the form of a question that is asked to make a point rather than to elicit an answer.

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