Learn English – Are you well? Happy New Year’s Eve!


  1. What are more formal ways to say "How are you" with a hint of positive expectation, in the sense that you want the other person to confirm that his/her life is just fine. Does "Are you well?" work?

  2. During new year season people greet "Happy New Year" etc. What would you say if you want to wish the other person's celebration of the new year be enjoyable and nice, instead of wishing good things for the entire year that is coming?

Best Answer

  1. Usually, you imply the hint of positive expectation with your voice inflection. Asking "How are you?" in such a way that your voice sounds happy implies such a meaning. If you want a more direct statement, you could say "I trust things are going well for you?"
  2. "Happy New Year" is used interchangeably to:
    • Wish good things for the person in the coming year
    • Wish for an enjoyable celebration for the changing of the year.