Learn English – Better way to indicate “a large amount of ”


A Wikipedia article tells us that:

A problem is regarded as inherently difficult if solving the problem requires a large amount of resources, whatever the algorithm used for solving it.

What is a more elegant, and perhaps more correct, way of expressing the notion “a large amount of ” in a context like this?

EDIT after comments: Maybe what bothers me is the the large amount followed by plural resources. I like a large amount of butter on my morning toast; and I like having a lot of books around; but I’m not so sure I’d say I like having a large amount of books here.

FINALLY I changed the sentence to read

A problem is regarded as inherently
difficult if its solution
requires significant resources,
whatever the algorithm used.

Best Answer

If you're just looking for a one-word synonym, you could try significant resources.

If you want to express that the amount is larger than necessary, or onerously large, you could try excessive resources.

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