Learn English – British slang: larl


I've seen this word a couple of times in twitter and I've not gotten a clear definition. A friend of mine wrote a mock British text that went like this "al av ya mum ya larl cunt" so that might give context.

Best Answer

For the sake of completeness:

al av ya mum ya larl cunt

al = I will -> I'll -> ah'll

av = have -> 'ave (in this case have has overtly sexual connotations as in "have sexual relations with")

ya = your -> ya'r -> ya

mum = mother (not really slang)

ya = you -> ya

larl = little -> lirle -> lahrl

And the last word is so commonly used I feel I need not explain it :)

As I said in the comment, but also for future reference: do not use sentences like this unless you are in really intimate company. Not all strangers are likely to react well to statements of this kind :)