Learn English – Can an acronym be pronounced as a construction of letters and words


I've found this question Pronouncing acronyms in which people discuss how to pronounce acronyms, and they can be pronounced either as single letters or as a single word.

However I would like to know if they can be pronounced as a combination. For example in computer science SPOF stands for Single Point Of Failure, can it be pronounced as S.POF? Or it must be pronounced either as 'spof' or S.P.O.F.?

Best Answer

It could be pronounced /ˈesˌpɒf/ , particularly if it's to be put against Multiple Points of Failure, which could only be pronounced/ˈemˌpɒf/.

However, wordifying acronyms will generally result in as few syllables as possible, so pronouncing SPOF as /spɒf/ is what would normally be expected.