Learn English – Can the word “roommate” be used to say the person who shares the same office room


Is it correct to use the word "roommate" to say the person who shares the same office room?

People around me says that the word "roommate" is used when to say the person who shares the same living room like an apartment.
If I look at the definition from merriam-webster, it says that "Define roommate: one of two or more persons sharing the same room or living quarters".
If the "room" in this definition is not limited to living room,
I think I can use the word "roommate" to say the person who shares the same
office room.

Office room here is small room that can accommodate 3 or 4 persons.

Best Answer

In American English, at least, it would be inappropriate to use "roommates" to describe people who work in the same office, even if they share a room within the office. "Roommate" is exclusively used for living quarters, not workspaces. A more appropriate choice would be "office mate" or "officemate." The term "coworker" would also be appropriate, and is probably used even more commonly; but its meaning is broader, as it usually includes people who work for the same company but not necessarily within the same office.