Learn English – Can the word “special” have a negative connotation


I am involved with a group that works with children aged about 7, who've been through some difficult things. One of the sessions focuses on how "every one of you is special".

Recently, somebody's teenaged son pointed out that in his school the word "special" is used as an insult. I guess it refers to being special-needs.

Is this use common-place? Is there a better alternative that we could use?

Best Answer

From my experience in American English special is, sometimes, used negatively to indicate that someone is a person with special needs. If you're afraid that the children you work with may realize that "special" can be an insult, I would suggest some alternatives:

  • unique: to indicate that every one of the children you work with is positively special in that they are the only one of their kind
  • exceptional: to indicate that each child is exceeding the ordinary (in the sense that they are special because they are not just like everybody else)
  • extraordinary
  • amazing