Learn English – Can the word “unsettling” be used in a positive sense


For example, in the phrase:

John told Mary something unexpected and thoroughly unsettling – but in the best way a person can be unsettled

Is there something wrong (meaning-wise) with this? Can the words unsettling and unsettled be used this way? (By the way, I have a slight feeling the second occurrence in particular is a bit off).

The context, in case it's not evident, is John telling Mary something she didn't expect, something John wouldn't normally say, which made her feel very surprised, but in a clearly positive way.

Best Answer

I don't think your example can use unsettled in a positive way, because it appears to use the definition of unsettled meaning "Nervous or worried"


Popularity: Bottom 40% of words
Simple Definition of unsettled
: feeling nervous, upset, or worried : not comfortable
: not lived in by people : not inhabited or populated
: not yet finally decided or dealt with
Source: Merriam-Webster's Learner's Dictionary
Examples: unsettled in a sentence

Full Definition of unsettled
:  not settled: as
a (1) :  not calm or tranquil :  disturbed <unsettled political conditions> (2) :  likely to vary widely especially in the near future :  variable <unsettled weather> (3) :  not settled down <unsettled dust>
b (1) :  not decided or determined :  doubtful <an unsettled state of mind> (2) :  not resolved or worked out :  undecided <an unsettled question>
c :  characterized by irregularity <an unsettled life>
d :  not inhabited or populated <unsettled land>
e :  mentally unbalanced
f (1) :  not disposed of according to law <an unsettled estate> (2) :  not paid or discharged <unsettled debts>

However, one can imagine situations where someone might desire or prefer to be unsettled, in the simple sense of "not settled", eg

"I was an Air Force kid, and moved constantly. Some kids would have hated it but I loved my unsettled childhood - I got to see so much more of the world."