Learn English – Can tomorrow be the subject of a sentence with a past tense verb


Tomorrow was the annual harvest fair — the biggest event of the year.

Best Answer

This article from Education first [shortened and reformatted] explains the underlying grammar:

Changing time and place references ...

Time and place must often change when going from direct to reported speech.

today ... that day

Phrase in direct speech: "I saw him today", she said.

Equivalent in reported speech: She said that she had seen him that day.


yesterday ... the day before

Phrase in direct speech: "I saw him yesterday", she said.

Equivalent in reported speech: She said that she had seen him the day before.


tomorrow the next/following day

Phrase in direct speech: "I'll see you tomorrow", he said

Equivalent in reported speech: She said that she would see him the next/following day.

However, thoughts (recorded 'verbatim' or paraphrased, from either the character being referenced or the narrator, so grading into notions) do not demand inverted commas, so

Tomorrow would be the annual harvest fair – the biggest event of the year.

is acceptable.

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