Learn English – Can we use the abbreviation “etc” without a period/full stop


Throughout Practical English Usage 3rd Edition (Swan, 2005), the author writes etc in a manner I can't help but wonder if it's a typo.

  • Much/far/a lot etc more money
  • Many/far/a lot etc more opportunities

Throughout the book, he does not put a period (full stop) after "etc" and he never uses commas in combination with "etc".

I'm taking notes by writing the book verbatim on to notebooks, and I've been finding other grammatical mistakes. It's a little disconcerting when trying to use the book as a reference source. I'm hoping you guys can help me figure out if this is just another.

What punctuation should be used with this abbreviation?

Best Answer

I hope that these references help you see how some other authorities handle the abbreviation for "etcetera".

"The Chicago Manual of Style", the Australian Government's "Style Manual for Authors, Editors and Printers", and "Fowler's Modern English Usage", all highly regarded and of long standing, all invariably use a period after etc. and they also have suggestions about commas with "etc".