Learn English – Can you use “get” in a past tense sentence


I had a voice over where I was asked to record the following line in a script:

"Our small initiative turned into a sizeable movement with the support of influencers, who helped spread the word and get people to make a pledge by greenifying their Facebook profile pictures."

Since the sentence is in past tense, shouldn't "get" be "got"? It felt strange for me to use "get" instead of "got". When I raised the question, the copy writer said it's like saying: "who helped get people…" Now that sounds correct in that case. Thank you for anyone who can explain and clarify this for me.

Best Answer

"Spread" and "get" are infinitives, so not in the present tense, and they should stay that way => to help + inf. Your sentence can indeed be read that way:

"who helped spread the word and helped get people to..."

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