Learn English – Changing from 1st Person to 2nd Person in the same paragraph


I want to know if it's okay to change from 1st person (our,we) to 2nd person (you, your) in the same paragraph as follows:

TV need not dictate our lives. There is a choice. We can either submit ourselves to continue living in the ‘twilight zone’ or choose to unplug and live in the real zone. There are plenty of full filling activities waiting to be explored. Whether it’s a new hobby, learning a new language, bonding with family or reading a good book – you may be surprised by how enriched your life becomes. What’s more, if you have children they may one day, thank you dearly for replacing…

Best Answer

I don't find anything strange in it simply because, from a very general "our", you're turning to address the readers, which is quite effective, as they begin to apply the suggestions internally as they read.

By the way, "fulfilling" is one word.