Learn English – Changing the meaning of sentence by grammar


I would like to ask for meaning of the two following sentence, and whether or not is the grammar correct. Please check my suggestions both "sentences" and meanings.

"I wish I never met you." – I met you just now but I do not want to meet you at all (from now to the future). So I wish not to meet you in the future anymore.

"I wish I would have never met you." – I regret the day when I have met you. It has happened very long time ago. It was mistake and I regret the fact that I know you.

Best Answer

Both of your sentences mean the same thing. They are speaking on how you lament the moment you met the person.
If you wish to say that you never want to see the person again, consider, "I wish to never meet you again." This however would probably never be used in real life since it is extremely rude.