Learn English – “check out” vs. “look at”


Consider the following:

Check (out) the portfolio and let me know if you are interested via e-mail.


Look at the portfolio and let me know if you are interested via e-mail.

Can I use check, check out or look at?

I need it to be as simple as possible, so take a look is not an option for me right now.

My guess is that look at is the most formal one, so should I use it when talking to a client or is check OK, too?

Best Answer

Check, at least in British English, carries with it the suggestion that the reader should scrutinize the portfolio for errors. Look at is more general. Take a look at is less formal, and could be used in many contexts. Whatever verb you use, your message might have a more favourable reception if you soften the peremptory tone that a direct imperative conveys. You might therefore like to consider these alternatives, or variations of them, depending on the nature of your relationship with the client:

I should be grateful if you would examine the portfolio . . .

You might like to look through the portfiolio . . .

You might find it helpful to look through the portfiolio . . .