Learn English – Cheesy fake grins and all!


What is the good word to describe 'comedy movies' and 'ads' that seem very fake and tacky, and which failingly try to draw emotional responses (with fake grins and all) (like some but not all Robin Williams films where he acts like a kid etc.). I thought of the word 'cheesy' but that doesn't connote 'trying to draw emotional responses from the audience'. So any good words or a word for that?

I am also not thinking about the word: low budget movies here.

Best Answer


  • excessively and objectionably sentimental.

  • falsely sentimental, esp in a weak or maudlin way.

  • Though the audiences are tired of mawkish plays and movies, writers and producers are never tired of them. There are always audiences who in their innocence shed tears at the excess of sentiment they express. The mawkish dialogues in the play brought ridicule from the spectators, rather than tears or laughter.


also trashy

  • In very poor taste or of very poor quality: "There was a special pathos ... within ... her trashy tales" (James Wolcott).
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