Learn English – Citing a Shakespearean Play: What Constitutes a “Line”


According to many sources that I've searched, it seems that the in-line citations for dramatic works, such as Shakeaspearean plays, are cited in the following form: act.scene.line(s). So for example, Act I Scene I lines 20-22 would be cited like so:

"some quote in here," (I.i.20-22).

But my question is the following: what constitutes a line? Do the narrator's lines count as lines? For example, I want to cite Hamlet Act I Scene I, and it begins like so:

Act I

SCENE I. Elsinore . A platform before the castle.

FRANCISCO at his post. Enter to him BERNARDO

Who's there?

Nay, answer me: stand, and unfold yourself.

Long live the king!

So if I were to cite Bernardo's first line ("Who's there?"), which of the following would I count as line 1?

  • "Act I"
  • "SCENE I. Elsinore. A platform before the castle."
  • "FRANCISCO at his post. Enter to him BERNARDO"

Best Answer

Each edition of Shakespeare's plays has its own numbering of lines (or in some cases, lacks line numbering). So when you cite a line you need to:

  1. Cite the edition of the play you are using. (Unless you're doing some kind of comparative study, you aren't going to change edition halfway through your essay, so you only need to mention the edition once, not once for each citation.)

  2. Use the line number from the edition you are using. Typically these are printed in the margin. If you're using an edition without line numbers, then don't make them up, just use the act and scene numbers.

  3. If you need to refer to a stage direction, and your edition doesn't number the stage directions, then you cite it using the line before the stage direction. For example, "Enter Rosencrantz. (IV.3.11 s.d.)" In these editions the stage direction at the start of the scene has no line number, so just give the act and scene numbers, for example, "A platform before the castle. (I.1 s.d.)"

Why do different editions have different numbering? Well:

  1. There are editorial decisions as to exactly what material to include. For example, Hamlet has three sources (the "first quarto", "second quarto" and "first folio" editions) that each contains material missing from the other two, and the modern editor has to decide how to combine them.

  2. The edition can decide to number the stage directions or not.

  3. When dialogue is in the form of prose rather than verse, the division into lines depends on the width of the page and the size of the type.

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