Learn English – Collective Noun for Fire


What is the collective noun for fire?

A ____ of fires.

To clarify: This is actually a school curriculum text question and I have never heard of such a collective noun. This is an example I can think of:

Suppose that several fires raged yesterday in the city and the newspapers wanted to say "Yesterday the fire department fought a whole bunch of fires". What word can replace "a whole bunch" in the previous statement?

Best Answer

I believe you are asking for a collective noun, and for fire there isn't one. You could have a "wall of fire" or "blaze of fire". What are you trying to achieve by using a collective noun here?

If there's something in particular you're trying to describe, consider a synonym: pyre, flame, conflagration and so on. Keep in mind that a construction like "pyre of fire" would be considered a pleonasm.

Based upon your edit, the nature of the question is totally different. In this case, why not go with several (your first inclination), series as Jim suggests, or any number of synonyms:

a handful of fires
a number of fires
many fires
separate fires
numerous fires

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