Learn English – Comma usage near title in quotes

commaspunctuationquotation markstitles

I can't seem to find any answer in my high school grammar textbook regarding the use of commas after titles that appear in quotes. Is this question addressed by American style guides?

I recently read the newspaper and the "95 Theses," and I learned so many things!

Here is an alternative syntax:

I recently read the newspaper and the "95 Theses", and I learned so many things!

EDIT: For the downvoters, the feedback I've gotten suggests that there is no objective answer for the question of which syntax is "correct." Therefore, I've reworded to ask a more objectively answerable question about what popular American style guides recommend about this part of English syntax.

Best Answer

My favorite style guide is The Little,Brown Handbook. It advises placing commas and periods inside quotation marks and placing colons and semicolons outside of quotation marks.

Perhaps the safest option with such a tricky sentence is to rewrite it. For instance, I learned so many things from reading the newspaper and the "95 Theses."

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