Commas – Usage Before ‘Where’ and ‘In Which’


Which is correct:

A laser was used where the wavelength was 15 cm.


A laser was used, where the wavelength was 15 cm.

(Note the comma before where)

More generally, do we use a comma before "where" and "in which"?

"In which" example:

X-ray diffraction uncovered an in-plane texture, in which gold preferentially aligned with sapphire.


X-ray diffraction uncovered an in-plane texture in which gold preferentially aligned with sapphire.

Best Answer

Use a comma before non-restrictive clauses, and don't use a comma before restrictive clauses. See this webpage.

How do you know whether a clause is restrictive or non-restrictive? It's restrictive if the information is essential, and limits the scope of the thing it's modifying. It's non-restrictive if the information is non-essential. For both of your sentences, the clause can be analyzed as either restrictive or non-restrictive, so in cases like this, the comma is optional.