Learn English – comma with phrases that use “yet”


I am using a sentence of the following form in a formal document.

This paper shows strong, yet very circuitous, analysis.

The sentence is expected to express that the analysis is strong but circuitous.

I have always put commas as shown above. However when reading it aloud it appears that the second comma impedes the reading. Perhaps it should not be there, but then it may change the meaning of the sentence and emphasize circuitous instead of strong analysis.

What are the rules for commas for such yet/but phrases?

Best Answer

Like the coordinating conjunction but, the coordinating conjunction yet can coordinate various sorts of things. The difference between them is that yet is even more emphatic when used this way than is but.

In short sentences like yours, where the items coordinated are themselves short, a comma would just slow things down:

  • His submission was an unexpected and strong entry.
  • His submission was an unexpected and unconvincing entry.
  • His submission was a surprising but ultimately unconvincing entry.
  • His submission was a surprising yet ultimately unconvincing entry.

Here you have a strong yet circuitous analysis on your hands.

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