Learn English – common abbreviation for “with or without”? e.g. _w/wo_ or _w/w/o_


Is there a common abbreviation for "with or without"? e.g. w/wo or w/w/o

Obviously, something this complex is best written in full form, but I'm looking for something to use in space constrained applications. For example, I use a product management system that limits the length of product feature titles, and I'd like to convey in the title that this feature could be used with or without another feature.

Could anyone recommend a preferred substitute?

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Best Answer

If this is for use with a limited audience, especially one which can be directed to a glossary of abbreviations, then w/wo could be a decent option. I've used it myself, and seen it used, so it wouldn't seem strange to me. But as usual, context matters.

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