Learn English – common English phrase for the ‘so absurd it must be true’ logical fallacy


There are various common (often Latin) phrases for various logic fallacies, such as post hoc ergo propter hoc, argumentum ad populum, slippery slope fallacy, etc. Is there a common phrase used to describe the fallacy of saying that because a claim seems so unusual or specific, it must be true, because 'nobody would ever make something that unusual up'?

Best Answer

The biggest problem in finding a technical fallacy is that "absurd", in this context, isn't detailed enough. Why is it absurd? The idea that any absurd thing could be believed if it was simply absurd enough is not really true.

The idea of arguing something as true because no one would make it up is close to these fallacies:

Strangely enough, the last is pretty darn close and is described as:

a lie so "colossal" that no one would believe that someone "could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously."

If you notice the quotes in that quote, you may wonder who coined the term. It was Adolf Hilter in his book Mein Kampf. In a certain sense, this Big Lie is an appeal to authority mixed with a strong pull on assumed morality.

Many tend to think of an appeal to authority as the style of bringing in a football player to advertise footballs: Since the player uses football, surely he knows which are best. But appeal to authority also includes what we are talking about here. Trying to list the steps it would look something like this:

  1. Idea
  2. Idea appears absurd
  3. The person claiming Idea couldn't/wouldn't lie/imagine such an absurd thing
  4. Therefore it is not absurd
  5. Therefore Idea is plausible/true

The 3-4 step is the appeal to authority. Using English, these are all appeals to authority:

Well, they couldn't possibly make something like that up

All of humanity isn't clever enough to think of something like that

Sam is a terrible liar; therefore this isn't a lie

In conclusion, most "so absurd it must be true" arguments are likely to include one of these somewhere. They probably have other problems, too, considering how absurd they are. The specific term Big Lie is appropriate for someone who actually created such an absurd argument and is using it against the people who consider it too absurd to doubt.