Learn English – “Conduction” or “Conduct”


Is it okay to say "conduction of medical camp"(as in carry out/hold an event). I know that the noun of 'conduct' is 'conduct'. However, I have seen the word 'conduction' being used in this context very often. Is it acceptable?

Best Answer

The OED lists this as the sole defintion of conduction.

noun: conduction

the process by which heat or electricity is directly transmitted through the material of a substance when there is a difference of temperature or of electrical potential between adjoining regions, without movement of the material.

  • the process by which sound waves travel through a medium.

  • the transmission of impulses along nerves.

  • the conveying of fluid through a channel.

Other sites such as CambridgeDictionary and Dictionary.com also have only one definition of the word conduction. The context of these definitions is purely scientific.

The closest link I could find between the verb conduct(as in, organize or carry out) and it's noun conduct was this(again, referring to the OED)

Conduct(n) the manner in which an organization or activity is managed or directed.

"the conduct of the elections"

synonyms: management, managing, running.

Conduct(v) organize and carry out.

"in the second trial he conducted his own defence"

synonyms: manage, direct, run.

I'd prefer using "conduct of medical camp" (it still seems a little vague, I don't know why). It would be great if you worded your sentence a little differently and used the verb form, though.

Here's a screenshot from NGram. conduct vs conduction